Oh, GOODY! A Small Thing that doesn't involve an attitude adjustment or doing anything nice for anyone.
Those are HARD!
It's so much easier to grab a sponge and scrub something, isn't it??
I know you're all dying to clean something, but would you settle for organizing something instead? No reason, EXCEPT I NEED TO DO THIS ONE AT MY HOUSE AND I WANT COMPANY TO DO IT WITH.
My pots and pans are a disaster. I'd like to blame it on my husband and son, who do not know the correct way to put them into the cupboard. But the truth is, they don't even put them away often enough to truly leave a lasting impression. The guilt is mine, all mine...and it hurts. I'm so disappointed in myself.
Here's a photo from the last time I needed to straighten these guys up. I thought it was a disaster then...but compared to today's situation, this looks like a Williams Sonoma display.
Today's Small Thing is to straighten/organize your pots and pans.
This one is literally going to take two minutes, not nearly difficult enough of a task to return to from a "work sabbatical" around here. But maybe we can just sorta ease back into a good work ethic with this little tiny job. We don't want to rush things, do we?
POINTS: 40 for straightening/organizing your pots and pans
BONUS POINTS: 20 for wiping down the drawer or cupboard that holds them while you are at it