It made me realize, again, how much I need this home to be a place that nurtures my family AND my own self. It happens when there is peace around here, when there is some semblance of order, and when there is a little bit of beauty. Here is what I said about bringing beauty into your life:
It’s tempting to think you can simply buy beauty for your home and your life. Well, ok, that’s partially true, I can’t lie. But beauty encompasses far more than just stuff from a store. It involves all of your senses: taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight. Think of beauty as both the tangible and intangible ways that communicate a sense of well-being to your family members. If you were to ask each person what makes them feel loved, their answers might astound you.
THIS, my friends, is what beauty is all about.
It can be found in freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, roses cut from the garden, tea parties under a blanket tent, playing catch in the backyard and listening to music you can dance to. These aren’t cliches, they are real and meaningful ways that invite beauty into your life. Make your own family list and don’t be afraid to refer to it often. Beauty is all around you, if you take the time to find it.
What is beautiful in your life today? Maybe you are at a place in life where beauty is hard to come by, and it seems like there are more tears than laughter. Don't despair. Let me encourage you find it by thinking about your five senses, and how you might be able to create some beauty in one of those areas. Could you crank up the stereo and listen to The Temptations? Maybe pick up a couple of flower stems at the grocery store or cut some blooms outside? How about simmering something fragrant on the stove, or shining up your faucets? They don't have to be fancy or extravagant...little things that bring a smile to your face will be perfectly perfect.
Today's Small Thing is to find (or create) some beauty. Even in the most difficult circumstances, it can renew your spirit and bring you joy.
POINTS: 20 for EACH sense you delight today: taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight. Get your family members involved, make it a scavenger hunt if you like....but have fun! 100 pts possible.
Please share where you've found beauty in your life today!