Cute Company Girl, Kelley, emailed me recently and asked if I might be willing to help her bring awareness to a very important issue. You see, she has lupus, an autoimmune illness that primarily affects women of childbearing age. It is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various parts of
the body, especially the skin, joints, blood, and kidneys.
I used to associate lupus with older women who always seemed to have a bunch of weird problems. That sounds terrible to say, but it just shows you how ignorant I've been of this very difficult illness. Maybe you've had similar preconceived ideas as well. I'm ashamed that it's taken me so long to learn about this frustrating and often debilitating disease.
Kelley suggested that this would be a good time to start talking about lupus, because May is Lupus Awareness month, and there will be plenty of walks and events to help raise awareness and support for this cause. It would be good to start planning involvement now, before the May-end-of-the-school-year-rabid-craziness takes over. I hope you'll stop over and get to know Kelley and read how lupus has affected her life and how she is coping with it. It's really amazing!
Today's Small Thing is easy and requires no household cleaning whatsoever. Hallelujah!
First, if you are feeling good today, breathe a prayer of gratitude for the strength in your physical body to live and move freely. Don't we take so much for granted? I know I do. Thank you, God, that I can get up out of my chair without giving it a second thought. What a blessing.
Secondly, do something nice for someone who doesn't feel good today. I'm thinking primarily of those who deal with chronic illnesses like lupus, fibromyalgia, or celiac disease, or even those who are fighting long battles with cancer or diabetes. We often send flowers or call people when they come down with the flu, but rarely think about how much a thoughtful gesture would mean to someone who is dealing with things that (short of a miracle) will affect them for the rest of their lives. A simple phone call, card or email would certainly put some wind in their sails and let them know they are not alone.
And let Kelley know you're thinking of her today by stopping by her blog!
POINTS: 50 for doing something thoughtful for someone who doesn't feel good: Praying for someone CAN count, but only if you call, email or write to let them know :). Check the comments below for more ideas/people to encourage.
Are you wrestling with a chronic illness or simply don't feel good today? Leave your name and comment so we can lift you up in prayer and encourage you in some way. Don't be shy...let us surround you with some deserve it!