Here are a few photos that show some of the progress we've made on our Children's Church project. With Sunday just a couple of days away, it is far from being done.
The train engine had been partially blocked in for me when I arrived. Here, I've painted in some background shrubbery; just two colors of light green with jaggedy edges will do the job.
It's hard to believe it took me all day long to get the engine this far. Oy. The big back wheels are penciled in and will take another forever to paint. Not to mention the whistle, light and other details that will make this engine really rock.
It would have helped if I hadn't had to paint out the smokestack toppers and re-do them with the proper perspective. For some reason, I'd painted them flat instead of curved. Each detail takes so much time to measure, tape off, back paint, paint, pull tape and shadow and highlight.....if I'm still here for Mother's Day, please come get me.
The African Safari room got underway. The tree needs about three more coats of brown to make it look right. Taking photos along the way always helps because I can see that I need to add more foliage and thicken the trunk to make the whole thing more substantial.
I'm smiling for this self-taken photo but I'm actually wondering where my ibuprofen is. My knees (and feet) are taking a beating this week. Only two more marathon days to go...
Well, that's my week of pain and glory. Now it's YOUR turn! Link up for a virtual "Koffee Klatch" with your online girlfriends. Simply add a link to a recent post (if you are a blogger) or leave a comment in the comment section to start a conversation there, if you are not a blogger. It is a great way to get out and meet new people, and an easy way to invite others over to your blog. I hope you'll join us.
Have a wonderful Easter, everyone! There is no Small Thing today on account of my mural marathon... so just enjoy Good Friday and the rest of the weekend. I'll be back on Monday with victorious completion photos (hopefully), and March winners.