The children's wing has a travel theme. So the classrooms are destinations...Far East, Africa, the "Worship Express," a 50's diner...this first one is a large 4x8 panel that hangs very high, so the wording is down low.
The classroom signs will hang from wrought iron brackets that will stick out from the hallway walls.
I hope to get everything else finalized today...dear God help will be a miracle. But the hardest part, establishing the look and feel of the graphics is the "fun" part begins. Just kidding, it's all hard. Most of the graphics will be printed on removable decals - easy to apply and easy to remove if they need to. It is a very COOL product and I can't wait to use it for this project!
I will be traveling to Big Spring, TX and spending all next week painting murals and putting the finishing touches on all the incredible work the congregation has already done. We hope to have it ready for Easter services. Life Church has been posting their progress on YouTube, and here is one of their last ones. Keep in mind that they have taken a crumbling, 100 year old school and are renovating it. You CANNOT BELIEVE how far they have come.
PRAYER REQUEST: Will you please pray for my friend, Priscilla's husband, Jerry? He is in the hospital with pneumonia and needs a real touch from God to heal him completely. Although pneumonia is very treatable, it is serious stuff and he doesn't need to have this going on right now. Pray for health, rest and protection for this dear family.
Let's have some coffee and/or refreshments of the virtual kind. Link up below to participate in a fun and easy way to invite new friends to your blog. Non-bloggers can participate by sharing in the comments section. Did ya'll see LydiaCate's announcement last week?? She is being blessed with a new baby on the way! Congratulations!!!! And don't forget that SpitFire's husband made it back from their baby can arrive anytime, now that Daddy's home. We'll be waiting for news....
Today's Small Thing is in the next post. It's short, I promise.