I'm leaving for Deeper Still - Oklahoma City this morning! This is just about the craziest week to try and go out of town for a conference, but I know once I get on the road, I'll be able to switch gears and focus on what God has for me there.
You know, I got to thinking how conferences like these tend to make me forget that God "has something for me" HERE in my everyday life. Somewhere in the midst of the laundry, the childcare, the errands and the work of daily life, He is moving in ways I don't always recognize. Simply being able to get up from my bed each day and move freely is a wonderful gift. He gives strength to my body, He orchestrates my day, He delights in my worship.
How is God working in YOUR life? Do you sometimes miss the quiet presence of our amazing God in the hustle and bustle of life? I'd love to hear the big and small ways you know that He is doing His thing.
Feel free to link up for a virtual cup of coffee with friends today! You can talk about anything you like...simply enter your blog URL in the form below, or chat within the comment section today!
I'll be tweeting and blogging about Deeper Still over the weekend! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!