Many people imagine the mighty Vikings when they think of Norwegian people. I'm not sure where those fierce warriors came from, but I think they might have actually been Italians. Anyway, by the time Norwegians began emigrating to America, a steady diet of plain, boiled potatoes had caused them to become a whole lot more bland. And stoic.
You see, I was born into a solidly Norwegian family, whose roots go back to the very origins of stoicism. These people prize long-suffering like the crown jewel of character, which is why so many of them settled in sub-zero Minnesota and the dreary Northwest. California would have been far outside their comfort zone.
Norwegians aren't known for their hot tempers. They've learned to swallow hard and get along, a lesson painfully learned through years of being forced to eat lutefisk until they liked it.
A rip-roaring argument between two Norwegians might sound something like this:
"So then. That's the way you feel about it."
(Long Pause)
"Ya. Ya, it is."
(cricket chirping)
"Well then."
(Longer pause)
"I guess there's no changin' your mind."
(Clock ticking)
(dogs barking in distance)
"OK then."
Boy, the fur was really flying there for a second.
I guess you can say one thing for these stout-hearted individuals. They do know how to weigh their words.
James 1: 19 says, "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry..."
Today's Small Thing is to measure your words. Put another way, "think before you speak." Like the Norsemen of olde.
Rarely do I regret holding my tongue and taking a deep breath before speaking, especially in the middle of conflict. The damage done by a few thoughtless words can be devastating, as most of us have experienced at one time or another. As moms, wives, and friends, our lives are filled with opportunities to speak our words with kindness...but we often miss them because we are rushing ahead to make our point, thankyouverymuch. A "vise voman" (Norwegian for "wise woman') will take a moment to weigh her words, and then speak kindly.
POINTS: 75...because pausing to measure your words isn't easy, but it's life-giving. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you today.