I believe I've already shared that stacking is my personal organizational "style." My work table in my studio is a prime example of this: stacks of photos, stacks of art paper, stacks of drawings, stacks of individual projects, stacks of mail. Oh, they are nicely lined up, but they are stacked nonetheless.
Moving around the house reveals more stacks: books by the bed, plates by the sink, junk mail on the counter, schoolbooks on the table. I even have clean laundry stacked and ready to be put away.
The thing about stacking is that it gives me a slight feeling of accomplishment. I've organized the chaos to a manageable point, patted myself on the back, and then moved on to more "important" things.
Today's Small Thing is to attack a stack. Take your organizational prowess to the next level by dealing with at least one stack and whittling it down to nothing! Let's make it funner by giving you points per stack:
POINTS: 30 for dismantling one stack
BONUS POINTS: 20 for each additional stack, up to 5 more
You could earn 130 points today! Now that's a stack of points.
Which stacks will you attack today??