Oh, there are some really great organizational blogs out there. Blogs that will whip you into shape and spur you on to housekeeping greatness. I can only dream of being so inspirational.
The truth is, I am not, and never will be, the Housekeeping Goddess of the blogosphere. Mainly because I like to have too much fun doing other things besides cleaning chandelier crystals with a Q Tip. I truly enjoy playing in forts with small children and eating cookie dough at 11 pm. I LIKE watching silly YouTube videos with my teenager, and reenacting Bourne Ultimatum fight scenes with him. Darn it, I like doodling and daydreaming, too.
I've taken the approach that you've got to have a balance of work and play. When I overdose on the "playing" part, my house falls apart and people complain of not having clean underwear. When I focus solely on making the house a shining jewel of perfection, then all the fun gets sucked right out of the atmosphere and no one is very happy.
Today's Small Thing is to do a little bit of both. A little work and a little play. It's a perfect way to spend a Friday!
Work Before Play is a motto we all need to adopt. It's a good one to teach our kids. It helps us remember that work comes first, but that time for play is important.
Today, pick ONE thing you have been putting off and make a commitment to do it. It can be as simple as scheduling a dentist appointment or filling out an insurance form that you should have done days ago. Or it could be like what I will do: put away the clean clothes that have been sitting in a basket for 3 days. I also have a project for a client which will take several hours of dedicated time to complete. Make this the day you will cross something off your list. It feels great to complete a task that's been hanging over your head for awhile.
Then, reward yourself with a little playtime! Go ahead, monkey around! After your work is done, you should give yourself permission to do something fun for yourself. You deserve to enjoy the fruit of your labor! Read a book, watch a movie, play with the kids, have a cup of coffee, eat chocolate....whoop it up with freedom!
POINTS: 40 for doing some work before play
BONUS POINTS: 20 for sharing what you will work on, and how you will play today! Leave a comment and/or a link to your blog so we can come over and see what kind of monkey business is going on at your house!