I'm really going to try and behave myself, what with such a tempting title and all today. I don't want to scare off the new Company Girls :) I can't have you thinking that you've joined a questionable group!
Well, I am JUST old enough to remember having a "party line." I'm pretty sure it was one of the last party lines in existence, because this was in the late 70's. Avacado green and harvest gold phones were replacing the old black phones like crazy, but they all still had the rotary dials. I hated having to dial a phone number with lots of 9's.
One day, a crotchety old lady got on the line in the middle of a conversation I was having with my friend Lisa, and chewed us out. I remember being called a "snot-nosed kid" who "didn't know when to get off the line" by this wicked shrew, and being scared out of my wits! I figured she was going to come and haul me off to her dungeon for having the audacity to chat on "her" time. That was one phone call I'll never forget. It was a dirty thing to do to two nice little kids. Meany!
Today's Small Thing is to clean up your phone. Have you ever noticed how dirty phones get? I'm always wiping makeup off my cell phone, but it's hard to get down into the cracks and crevices. Home phones can get pretty nasty, too. Check out the ear piece and tell me if you aren't grossed out. Eww.
This will only take a few minutes but will inspire you to chat it up with a long-lost friend, text Dancing with the Stars, or send a spicy message to your hubby. Hey, you knew I couldn't leave this title alone....
POINTS: 40 for cleaning up one phone
BONUS POINTS: 20 for cleaning an additional phone
Stop by and visit me over at Going Beyond...I'm talking about small beginnings today!