I feel like time is slipping dangerously away from me this month! Do you feel that way too? Maybe I know from experience that this week before Thanksgiving is the calm before the Christmas storm!
Some of you made November goals along with me at the beginning of the month. I will report that I have made some progress on my goal, which was to finish up my Company Girl book....but I still have a ways to go. I plan to use as much time as I can during the Thanksgiving week to wrap it up, and I will let you know if I succeed or not! Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Now it's YOUR turn to share what's going on in your life! Simply link up below (if you are a blogger) or feel free to leave a comment (if you are not a blogger.) I want to point out that non-blogging Company Girl LydiaCate does a great job of participating through comments! Those of you that don't blog, and who feel intimidated or shy about jumping in, just follow her lead and take the plunge! We've enjoyed getting to know her this way and would love to get to know you, too! Thanks, LydiaCate, for being a great participant and friend!