I've had "Write Thank You Notes" on my list of things to do for several days now. It seems like doing this nicety is a task that gets slipped from one day to the next...one week to the next...until it gets forgotten.
I'm really trying to turn over a new leaf in the Thank You Note Department. It's just not something I've been consistent in over the years. Oh, I'm pretty good at making a Thank You Phone Call, or sending a Thank You Email, but the actual put-a-stamp-on-it-and-put-it-in-the-mailbox action? Not so much. And that's kind of a shame because a hand-written note in the mail is still the best way to express true appreciation. Everyone loves to get something in the mail!
Today's Small Thing is to write a Thank You Note. Maybe you, like me, have someone you've been MEANING to thank for a long time. Or maybe you could write a small note to your pastor for Pastor Appreciation Month. You could jot a few lines to your husband or child for being a special part of your life, or send a card to someone who has shown you kindness recently.
Writing a little Thank You Note doesn't take much time, but it sends a meaningful message. You don't have to have the perfect words to say. Simply express your appreciation and seal it with love.
POINTS: 40 for writing one Thank You Note (on real paper)
BONUS POINTS: 10 each for each additional note you write, limit 10 extra
Who will you thank today? I will thank Melissa at Seven Matters for sending me a CD of her husband's message!