Please tell me it's not Friday already! After last weekend's women's retreat, this week somehow blew past.
I'm so excited because we are getting a brand new bed today! Girls, you know your bed is BAD when you value SLEEP over sleeping husband has had to sleep in the guest room for his back's sake for several months. Which is weird. Kissing each other good night in the hallway and then shuffling off to separate rooms is just...sad.
Tonight, the lonely Old People will be reunited once again. In comfort.
I am beside myself with joy! I think I'll wear my pajamas all day so I'm ready when the delivery truck arrives.
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There is no Small Thing today, due to my lack of planning around a very late hockey game last night and a full day starting early today. Sorry about that, girls!
Please be sure and stop by on Monday for a very cool announcement! In fact, now would be a great time to click on that little "RSS" link in the right sidebar so you can subscribe to my blog posts every day! That way you'll never miss a Small Thing OR my announcement on Monday! Yay!