"Selah" is a word found often in the Psalms. I've always loved it.
It generally means to "stop and think about it, consider, praise the Lord." It's a place to pause and reflect on the words being spoken or sung.
Here is a perfect example:
Psalms 62:8
- "Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah."
- In our busy rush to get things done, it's easy to forget to pause.
- To listen and reflect.
To consider.
To praise.
And yet it is in those small moments that we can hear the gentle voice of our God, be reassured of His care, and reflect on His grace in our lives.
Today's Small Thing is to pause. Simply "selah" in the middle of your day. You can look out the window as you wash dishes, or go outside to feel the breeze and hear the rustle of leaves. You could linger over a sleeping baby or meditate on a scripture. Give thanks for the health and strength to work through your "To Do" list. Give praise for the good things (and not so good things) in your life. Reflect on how far God has brought you, and what He is continuing to do.
POINTS: 40 for experiencing "selah" today.
P.S. Later today, I will be sending out the Company Girl newsletter. I'm excited about a very special interview that's in it, and it dovetails beautifully with our Small Thing today.
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