Do you ever stop to think about how far you've come?
Most of the time, I'm thinking about how far I still have to go. I get a little discouraged when I see mountains up ahead and I think, "I'm gonna have to have to climb those suckers?? Yeah, right."
And then something comes along. Maybe a conversation, or a sight or a smell that reminds me of the past and where I've come from. I remember the challenges I've faced in my faith and the mountains I've already climbed. I remember the silly grudges I've held and the times when I've failed even myself.
Somehow through all of that there has been a Faithful God.
He's changing me. Molding me. Creating something new.
With each failure, with each victory, with each passing day, I'm not who I was.
OK. I don't always know who I am TODAY, but I sure as shootin' am not the same person I was yesterday.
That's because He's taking the garbage I bring him and making it into something beautiful. I can't always see what or how or why He's doing it, but He is.
Spend a few moments today reflecting on just how far you've come. Forget for just a minute where you think you ought to be, and take joy in being right where you are. Right where God wants you to be.
See. You're not who you were, either.
Today's Small Thing is about reflection. Take a few minutes to clean the mirrors in your home. Get them all shiny and clean! And as you do, reflect on that girl in the mirror and the Faithful God who's never given up on her.
POINTS: 40 for shining up all the main ones
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