Girls, we finally finished installing the huge art piece yesterday! Have a look at our project:
Here is the magnificent "W" hotel and luxury residences in downtown Dallas.
I won't bore you with photos of the hours and hours and hours of taping, applying the plaster, sanding, burnishing, buffing, applying stencils, buffing, waxing, buffing and waxing, then packaging and transporting to get to this:
Going Up! Thankfully we had a hydraulic lift to use!
Each of the 45 square panels was given a word in different language, stenciled in plaster, depicting a character trait of a Well Lived Life. Latin phrases were overlaid. My favorite one is translated: "Through difficulty, sweetness." I believe this phrase (above) says, "If you can read this, you're overeducated." No kidding, we had a little fun.
The chocolate brown plaster took almost two weeks to perfect, but Tom nailed the color to match Sherwin Williams "Black Bean."
The final look. The completed piece is 20 feet high by 10 feet wide. Each panel was given a beautiful label on the back, with the word and its translation, signed and numbered.
I must give my husband Tom complete credit for the work that went into this piece. I did very little of the actual artwork, outside of the original concept, researching and laying out stencils and otherwise being the helper-girl. He hand-made each one and created something really spectacular. You would not believe his tenacity to make this piece so incredible.
Our client is thrilled with the result, and we are so honored to have this piece finished in such a beautiful location. It really has been a work of the heart.
And now, for some rest!!