Turn up the volume on the playlist and get ready to get Real Gone for today's Small Thing!
As small business owners operating on a shoestring, we've had several years pass us by without getting a vacation. It's just one of the many perks of owning our own company.
But even though we don't get two weeks on a sunny beach somewhere, it's important for us to disconnect from the daily stresses of life every now and then. There's a mental and emotional (not to mention physical) toll that is taken when we never stop down to relax. I'm really feeling it this week.
It's a shame that we think that we have to wait for a formal vacation to have some fun. Maybe it's because it's hard to turn our back on responsibilities without leaving home, or because we were raised with midwestern values that place a high merit on guilt. But taking a stand for relaxation, especially on a Friday, is something we sure could use. How about you??
Today's Small Thing is to get Real Gone in some way....and I'm going to give you the whole weekend to accomplish this task! That doesn't mean that you have to be "GONE" all weekend, it means that you have to find a small way to step away from the "Have-To's" and do a "Want-To."
I want you to disconnect from stress by choosing an activity that allows you to "BE" in the moment. You can be "gone" without really being gone, if you know what I mean.
You may have a busy weekend ahead of you, but I hope you'll take some time to play with your kids, or eat an ice cream cone or watch a movie on the couch. And when you do, make a conscious effort to lay your worries down, let the stress go, and allow yourself to enjoy the moment.
All the cleaning and organizing and beautifying of your little sanctuary is to allow yourself to enjoy your home. But don't make the mistake of thinking that you can't enjoy yourself because you haven't "finished" your work. The work will always be there, but moments of pleasure with people you love should be seized and relished.
POINTS: 40 for getting Real Gone in some small way this weekend
BONUS: 10 for sharing what you're doing....leave a comment, and/or blog about it, and/or tell a friend!
I'm going to have some "girlfriend" time with my daughters! Don't forget to scroll down for some coffee time...I'm still having trouble with Mr. Linky and I'm terribly frustrated. Go ahead and leave a comment with your links!