How about some FREE points today? Right off the top of the morning, you get to have 50 points (that's 5 of these cute coupons!) Yippee! WOO HOO! Hurray!
But wait, there's a catch.
The free points are part of a game we're going to play today and I hope you'll join in with me.
The foundation of any home sanctuary is an atmosphere of peace. But peace evaporates when there are attitudes of discontent and grumbling...two of the most common pitfalls in family life.
Children are very adept at finding the glass half empty and it can really wear you down when nothing seems to meet their level of satisfaction.
They're natural connoisseurs of excellent service and perfect appointments of things like drinking out of the red cup, not the blue cup, having their cereal bowls filled to the exact height and eating sandwiches that are cut into triangles, not squares. Of course, that takes years to work out some of those demanding behaviors (because they ARE unacceptable, after all), but I've noticed a real trickle-down effect that starts with my own attitudes.
I find myself grumbling and complaining about things throughout my day. Sometimes it is done inwardly, but often it spills out of my mouth and into my home. I don't really mean anything by it, and sometimes it's just part of a conversation, but it starts to affect the atmosphere around here and I can see it reflected in my children. It takes a conscious effort to speak positive things and leave the negative complaints alone. I have to adjust my own attitudes first. And then consistently help my children see the glass half full.
Today's Small Thing is to start the day with 5 coupons for 10 points each. Print off this Download Points coupons5 if you want to make it a "real" game. For each verbal complaint or negative comment you make, deduct 10 points (1 coupon). The challenge is to try and hang on to all your points! Sometimes just being aware of what comes out of my mouth is enough to help me speak positively throughout the day.
POINTS: 50! Keep 'em all if you can!
Just for fun: try this game with your kids. Print off 5 coupons per child and see how long they can hang on to them. If you have Company Boys, here's one just for them:
Download Point coupon boy