Part of being committed to creating Sanctuary at home is being committed to living intentionally. It's so easy to fall into the rut of letting life happen to you that you end up doing the same ol', same ol' in and day out. Without even realizing it you start living a life that's so much less than what it could be.
Choosing to do the Small Things each day means that you are giving monotony and mediocrity a kick in the rear and saying, "I'm going to create something wonderful here!" It's happening one tiny step at a time.... can you feel it? I can!
Today, we are going to take something that we normally do and we are going to take it up a notch! Girls, we are going to do things in a little bit different way...ON PURPOSE! Here's what I mean:
Just try a new flavor of coffee, or take a different way home.
Wear a new shade of lipstick, something potent.
Talk to a cashier you see all the time but never say anything to.
Read your Bible outside.
Skip instead of walk.
Drink water instead of a carbonated beverage.
Eat on china!
Have a picnic lunch inside!
Put your craft things away, rather than leave them on the dining room table.
What the hey, wear some pretty panties or a lacy bra!
The point is: think of something you'd like to do differently and then decide to DO IT! Live intentionally, deliberately, with purpose....just once today, and see how it feels!
POINTS: 40 for trying a new twist on an old classic!
Then let us know what you did today!
P.S. My donkey, Flash, knows all about living life in a rut!