Last week I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Kim and Dawn, of Musing Mommies. These two Texas moms get together every week and produce a podcast that's full of information, conversation and laughs. You find yourself saying, "Yeah! Me too!". When you listen in, you feel like you're sitting with two friends in your living room, enjoying a cup of coffee and discussing everything from poopy diapers to photography to what to do on a road trip with kids. It's a lot of fun and they do an amazing job!
Our subject was mainly about blogging, but I'm afraid I hogged the airwaves and yakked about myself far too much! Kim and Dawn were gracious and did not mention it, and I am grateful. I hope you'll tune in to the podcast and get to hear my voice and thoughts! Blogging and writing has been a wonderful journey for me and I loved getting a chance to talk about it. It will be just like I'm in your living room...woo!!
Finding Your Voice
Since the topic was "Finding Your Voice," I thought I'd segueway into Today's Small Thing, which is to Find Your KIND Voice. I cringe sometimes at the tone of my voice as I'm giving instruction, reprimanding or even just TALKING to my family members. I have to remind myself that it takes the same amount of effort to say things in a way that sounds kind and gracious, rather than overbearing and mean. I don't even have to give up any of my parental authority to communicate in a nice way! They still get the message, but suddenly that message is a lot easier to listen to.
I've noticed that when I make an effort to lighten up, the whole atmosphere of the house changes. There is more joy, less bickering. More grace and less criticism. Who would think that simply smiling as I speak, or lowering my volume would have such a big impact? It's like a miracle.
Today's Small Thing is to make a decision to speak with kindness. Oh, I know that it would be easier to scour a sink or pick up socks, but really....when you think about it, isn't this something that will go so much further?
Prov. 31: 26 She opens her mouth with wisdom and the law of kindness is on her tongue.
POINTS: 30 for making an effort to speak kindly
BONUS: 20 for listening in to Musing Mommies today!
PS Don't forget to submit your photos for the gift book! Tomorrow is the last day to qualify for the Sam Moon drawing!