Yesterday's Small Thing was hard. Not that it took so long to do, but DECIDING which pile to free my soul from was a challenge.
Should this stack receive my attention?
After all, it's been sitting on my dining room table for oh, no less than 2 weeks.
Or this one?
This ball and chain has been on my fabulous faux-wood kitchen counter for at least a week.
Perhaps THIS lovely stack of "who knows what"?
This pile next to my bed is the equivalent of an alcoholic's stash of liquor. It's tucked away where no one can see it, but I know it's there. Its disheveled presence apparently gives me some kind of comfort, because it's been there for.....well. Never mind how long it's been there. I swear I need intervention.
Because my day was packed with activity, I did not address my piles until about 9 pm. Even choosing one seemed so daunting! But armed with the song, "Shackles," I chose the one on the dining room table.
It felt so good, I even worked on the kitchen counter pile. In THREE MINUTES, I had released myself from the bondage of looking at those unsightly stacks!
Ladies, I'm asking you. Where would I be without the Small Things to kick my rear in gear and get me moving on those things that truly make my life BETTER? You'd think by now I'd simply do them on my own because I love order....but somehow I let things slip until we can all do them together as Small Things and I can slap my forehead and think, "Good gracious, that was easy! What took me so long??"
Today's Small Thing is yet another thing that drives me crazy, but often gets passed over because I'm obviously too busy to take the 1.5 minutes to straighten.
The bathroom counter.
I'll admit there are days when my bathroom counters look a whole lot worse than these photos. I hate the way the clutter looks, and yet I'll walk past it a thousand times, hating it each and every time, before I finally take a minute to scoop it up.
For Today's Small Thing, simply clear your bathroom counter of the debris. You can take your left arm and pull everything toward you as you open a drawer with your right arm, and then dump it all in. It's a simple move that takes a tiny bit of practice, but can be perfected easily.
Seeing your counter top again MAY make you giddy with excitement, so if you want extra cred, you can wipe it down. You'll be positively thrilled with the resulting serenity that will flood your soul.
POINTS: 40 for clearing a bathroom counter
BONUS POINTS: 30 for wiping it down and getting rid of the toothpaste and hairspray residue
Repeat: serenity.....serenity.....serenity