As I tried to cram fresh groceries into my refrigerator yesterday, I hoped that there would be enough room so I wouldn't have to confront the containers that were getting shoved to the back. I knew it wouldn't be a good scene. Those boys loitering back there are up to no good.
But the rotisserie chicken refused to fit, and I was forced to remove the gang of plastic containers filled with remnants of meals gone by. I felt a chill of foreboding in the pit of my stomach.
When WAS the last time we had pot roast??
This congealed chicken and rice soup looks a little like.....barf!
That didn't help my gag reflex. Nor did the fuzzy refried beans, which were in a covered dish that I couldn't bring myself to throw away. Darn! I had to wash it out! But I turned my head so as not to, you know, barf.
I fought off the rest of the containers by throwing them in the trash. Those hardened criminals were beyond redemption.
Today's Small Thing is to remove the questionable and the obviously delinquent food from your fridge. The rotting tomatoes, the wilted celery, the spotty zucchini. The leftovers that you knew you wouldn't actually eat, but because you were raised to be frugal, got put into storage containers. The half eaten yoghurts that are now soupy, and the tough macaroni and cheese.
You don't have to wipe down the inside of the fridge if you don't want to, just get rid of the bad boys and be done with it. If you WANT to wipe it down, now would be a great time to do it, because it never gets any easier to clean up grime than when those rebels are gone. But you can save that for another day.
POINTS: 40 for showing those no-gooders the door!
BONUS POINTS: 20 for wiping down the shelves