Oh, how I love Autumn! It's not just because my daughters have beautiful "Autumn" complexions and hair.
(This is a thinly veiled excuse to post photos of my girls.)
(Meghan, you know how I feel about your hair, but if you want to cut it, go ahead. Just save me some...sniff.)
I love Autumn mostly because the crisp air makes me feel invigorated. I did a cartwheel the other day, just for fun. Today I'm putting pumpkins out!
But the north wind has brought leaves and grass and sticks from Canada right to my front porch. (Well, it's the back porch, really, so we generally just call it "The Breezeway.")
The Breezeway gets to be more like a wind tunnel sometimes, and it's hard to keep it looking nice.
Today's Small Thing is to simply sweep your front porch, stoop or walkway. (Some of your northerners may have to shovel the early snow.) I'm completely aware that it's a losing battle, but we've gotta fight on until winter, girls! Away with you, crumbly leaves! Be gone!
POINTS: 30 measly points, but hey, this is a pretty easy job. So easy, you could get one of your children to learn some responsibility and do it for you! :)