Did you have a chance to visit the girls who participated in Friday's Company Girl Coffee? I got around to see everyone, except Anya. I couldn't find her email address to let her know that the link didn't work. Anya, email me and let's see if we can get a good link for you! It was a lot of fun and I can't wait until the next one! Check out Friday's post, click on the "Comments" link, and it will take you to the links for all who joined in.
One of the joys of living in an old house is getting to deal with old pipes and rusty vents and rotting wood. It's a real blast. We've had a leak from the upstairs shower into our laundry room, which we ingeniously solved by placing a garbage can on top of the dryer to catch the drips. And there was another leak, which was taking place behind one of the walls. We couldn't see it, but we noticed water on the floor, seeping out from under the baseboard.
And then, as mysteriously as the "silent" leak appeared, it disappeared. No more water on the floor. We said, "Huh!" and moved on, hopeful that it had been a figment of our imagination.
Imagine my surprise the other morning when I discovered THIS:
and THIS:
Yes, MUSHROOMS! Growing in the corner of my pantry. And fuzzy mold all along the bottom.
Just taking an wild guess here, but I'm thinking that there's moisture behind that wall.
This was truly. the. grossest. corner I've ever had to clean, ever.
I tell you this little story so that when you read Today's Small Thing, you will likely say, "Pshaw! Easy!" Because you likely don't have any mushrooms growing in the corners of your house.
Yes, Today's Small Thing is to pay attention to some corners. Since I normally clean in a hurry, I tend to cut corners when it comes to housekeeping. I vacuum the traffic areas and wipe down work surfaces, but just hitting the high spots can come back to haunt you. Like a bad memory.
Cobwebs can form overnight, literally. Dust can settle behind furniture. Play-Doh can become petrified nuggets of childhood recklessness and Lego pieces can go missing for years. Let's not even mention what pets might secretly do in corners.
I'm not suggesting that you clean EVERY corner of your house. Although, if you ignored the big messes and just did the corners, it might feel exhilarating. Somebody try it and let us know how it feels! Pick one room of the house and check out your corner situation. Get rid of the cobwebs, wipe them clean, or vacuum them out. That's IT! Done.
POINTS: 40 points for cleaning the corners in ONE room. Check countertop corners, ceiling corners and floor corners.
It DOES feel good!
Or is it the mushrooms that are making me feel so fine?