While driving down the highway, I recently read a deep thought which was emblazoned onto the back of a truck window. Decaled to the glass were these insightful and uplifting words:
Of course, the font was nearly illegible: gothic capital letters which only enhanced its message of impending doom.
I've scratched my head a little bit, thinking of those words and how they would read at our house:
Just for fun, let's parse this sweet gem:
Dinner is Certain. I usually manage to put something on a plate and call it a meal for my troops. It may only be a grilled cheese sandwich with carrot sticks but something sorta nutritious is normal fare.
The Hour's Unknown. Yes, we often eat dinner at 8 pm, and sometimes we're dishing up by 5 pm. Sometimes we get engrossed in a re-run of King of Queens and forget that something is simmering on the stove.
But mainly the reason the "hour is unknown" is because every clock in our house says a different time. We've learned to live by approximate times so we can pick and choose what time we'd like to believe it is. If you're running late, pick a clock that is slow and you'll feel a whole lot better. If you're up past your bedtime, choose to believe a clock that says it's before midnight. If you need to get motivated, find a clock that's running fast so you'll get moving. It's a charming way to live, almost as easy as living by sundial, but not as accurate.
Today's Small Thing is to synchronize your clocks. From the microwave and coffee maker to the bedside alarm, wouldn't it just be nice to know exactly what time it really is? Fine tuning the time pieces in your home will really be helpful when it comes time to get kids ready for school. You might even make it to church on time this Sunday.
POINTS: 50 because if you count the clocks on phones and appliances, this may be a bigger job than you think.
How many clocks are at YOUR house? I counted 16 at mine, all wrong except for the computers.