One thing that really messes up a family's morning routine is having a last-minute scramble to look for things. Of course, there will always be misplaced books and papers, but it's the search for toothpaste, hairbands, socks and underwear that can drive you nuts. Multiply frantic searching by the number of people getting ready each day, and you have a recipe for disaster.
There are some simple things you can do to make mornings go a little bit smoother, and this is a great time to think about them.
1. Consider having an extra set of toothbrushes/toothpaste in the bathroom closest to the door. That way you can avoid lengthy trips to the other end of the house when the school bell is about to ring.
2. Take stock of your hairband/barrette/clips supply and have plenty on hand. Those are great to have near the door as well...guest bathroom or kitchen drawer. Somebody always needs a comb at the last minute, so keep those handy.
3. How deep is your sock/underwear supply? Each person should have enough to get through a week, or a cycle of laundry. Hey, if you only do laundry every two weeks, you ought to have 14 days' worth. Socks and undies tend to disappear, perhaps disintegrate, at our house, so this is a major item on my list to do this week.
4. Make sure everyone has a place for their stuff: backpacks, shoes, sweaters. At one point, each person in my family had a square laundry basket in the hall that was "theirs." It wasn't the most attractive solution, but it helped us find things easily.
5. Get up earlier. As one who values SLEEP as an important commodity, this is a tough one for me. But an extra 15 minutes can make a huge difference, even if it's just so the caffeine has time to start coursing through my veins before the whirlwind starts.
Today's Small Thing is to run through your morning routine in your head. Whether you homeschool or send your children out to school, work or stay home, have kids or not, everyone can use a little streamlining when it comes to morning preparations. See if you can spot potential snags and make a note of how you can solve it.
POINTS: 30 for smartly assessing your morning system. You are managing the most important organization in the world and this Small Thing will start your daily success. What can you do differently to make mornings go more smoothly?
Share your tips! Tell us what works for you!