John Ondrasik of Five for Fighting asks the question "What kind of world do you want?" in his song, "World."
What kind of world do you want
Think anything
Let’s start at the start
Build a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now
I don't know if imagining a better world will make it change, but it's probably a good place to start. I can't control what happens in Africa or the Middle East, but I CAN look a little closer to home and start imagining how I want MY world to be.
My world here at home.
I imagine a place of peace and order. A place where each person belongs. A place where we have good food to eat and it's filled with beauty. I imagine kind words being spoken and of course, everyone picks up after themselves.
Maybe it's a little bit of fantasyland, but it goes back to having a vision of what I want my home to be. I want this place to be a refuge. Refuge and shelter, with love and warmth and acceptance.
We started this month with Zech. 4:10 "do not despise the day of small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin." I've made a lot of small beginnings toward making that vision a reality. Some of them have been successful, others.....not so much. A whole bunch of my small beginnings have just stayed small beginnings because I never get around to finishing them.
Today's Small Thing is to finish one thing that you've started. It might be folding a load of undies, planting some seeds from the packets you bought weeks ago, or cutting in around the baseboards with paint in the rooms you started painting before Christmas. Put some legs on your vision today and make it happen! Take a small beginning and give it a fitting end!
Then pat yourself on the back for a job well DONE!
POINTS: 40 for finishing ONE small're one step closer to the kind of world you want.
What are you finishing today?
P.S. Don't forget....tomorrow we'll report April's points for the random drawing and the Most Points Winner!!