Have you ever dropped a bit of onion from a fast-food hamburger in your car?
Hoo-Boy! Them babies sure stink up the place!
Is it just me, or do fast-food onions smell like body odor when they've been in the car?
On that note, let's discuss the state of our cars' interiors. Seems like I'm forever hauling around a bunch of trash from the various fast-food stops during the week. And there's a tendency for cups to get left in the car, as well as paper plates, granola bar wrappers and junk mail.
For awhile, we had a mouse who lived in our glove box and we could never catch him. Every morning we'd open it up to discover that he'd made a fabulous nest for himself out of shredded napkins that must have fallen behind the opening. He had plenty to feast on: old french fries and chips and pop tart crumbs. Oh, he was livin' the good life in there. Just traveling around in style.
It was good incentive to clean out the old Explorer. And it sure felt good to see the carpet again.
Today's Small Thing is to gather up the debris that travels with you in your vehicle. You don't have to detail every nook and cranny, but just grab a trash bag and haul out the trash and cups. You're gonna love your Sweet Ride!
POINTS: 40 for a 5 minute car cleaning
P.S. Did you see the new tally sheet for April? It's in the "sticky" post at the top of the blog. Print it off so you can smoke your competitors as you rack up the points!