Starting a new month has re-energized my excitement for creating Sanctuary in the Small Things! When I first started thinking about posting one small thing that could make a difference at home each day, I wondered if I could possibly come up with enough things to fill up one month, let alone a whole year. But I felt like maybe I oughta step out and see what would happen. Armed with a scribbled list of ideas, I invited you to come along in this silly adventure.
OK, my house didn't suddenly start running like a well-oiled machine. It's still a little messy and I still struggle with being overwhelmed with the "to-do's" on my list.
But something is happening in my heart and maybe it's happening in yours, too.
What I'm realizing over and over again is that God is able to take something small and make something great out of it. If you think about it, that's just the way He has always worked.
- He took a little boy's lunch and fed 5,000 people with it.
- He took a widow's drop of oil and fed his prophet and a woman and her son.
- He took a shepherd boy and made him a king.
- He took a child in his lap and said, "of such is the kingdom of heaven."
And He delights in Small Things:
- Small mustard seeds.
- Small children.
- Small widow-women.
- Small fishermen.
- Small steps of faith.
- Small things done for our families.
Most days our Small Things are so ridiculously insignificant by themselves that I'm almost embarrassed to share them with you. There's really nothing super-creative or fabulous or Martha Stewart-like in any of them. (oh how I wish.....) And you are already doing a thousand small things a day for the people you love.
But they are important. They add up. They are steps of faith.
And God can do something with them.
You see, the minute we offer up just a tiny bit of effort, He springs into action to bless it. Because it's not just our action He's looking at.
It's the heart that goes with it.
When we serve in small ways, when we give of ourselves, and when we choose to love in ways that require a little bit of sacrifice, we are really worshipping God. With all of our hearts and our beings. We are living in the true spirit of an incredible God who is blessing what we put our hands to.
You've been given people and things in life that are to be treasured and cared for. You may never really do it perfectly or with the style and panache you'd like, but no one can do it like you can. You're someone's mommy, someone's daughter, someone's wife, someone's friend . Each Small Thing is a way of expressing love and gratitude for the wonderful gift of being part of someone's life.
It's worship and service and love and even fun, sometimes.
It's God working in small ways to make something great happen for you. Because that's just the way He does things.
Girls, thanks for being a part of Sanctuary in the Small Things, 2008. I'm praying for you and I love you.
Here's to another great month!