What could be better than cleaning AND dancing at the same time?
Can't think of much, I tell ya. Except eating and watching TV.
I've got a few things that deserve more cleaning attention than they get at my house. I'm talking about the electronic devices that work so hard every day to make my life the pleasure that it is.
The TV's. The Computers. The stereo (well, it USED to work hard, now it's semi-retired thanks to the ipod.) The printer. The clock radio. The coffee maker (without which I could not function.)
But they're dust-magnets. Finger-print magnets. Sticky-stuff magnets. And I act like I don't even notice.
Well, not today. Today they are getting their dues. Let's dust them off and get them all spit-shined and polished, even if they aren't the latest-and-greatest models of technology.
And just to keep things fun in a retro way, why not do the Electric Slide while you're at it! You know it as the best wedding/prom/sleep-over dance EVER. It can be performed to country music, oldies, 80's music...you name it, it's very versatile.
Here's a link to make you wish for the 80's styles again. What's with the guy in a vest with no shirt on??
(pause my music in the right sidebar for best viewing)
And if you need a refresher on the dance steps, I LOVE this instruction video! Note the lady with a cane in the front row. Look girls, if SHE can do it, surely WE can! I like the way the instructor has fun with this. It makes me really chuckle.
POINTS: 30 for dusting the electronics
BONUS POINTS: 20 for at least TRYING the Electric Slide (you can pick your own music)
HOW ABOUT 10 more if you get someone to do the line dance WITH you?? Grab a kid you got laying around or a hubby who could use some groovy moves.