A little bit of appreciation can go a long way.
Last night I stumbled home from a long day of work and meetings (plus a church meeting until 10 pm) and was exhausted and discouraged. My son met me in the kitchen with a big hug and said, "Aww, Mom! You must be tired! Thanks so much for working so hard for the fam."
I instantly felt warm and loved and just a little bit less tired. His words really meant a lot to me right then. It was such a small thing, but it made me glow inside.
Today's Small Thing is to express your appreciation to someone. You can text it, write it, email it, phone it or say it in person, but just let someone know that you've noticed their effort and want to thank them. Your words will do what my son's words did for me...make all the difference in the world.
My man has kept the wheels on the home front this week while I've had an unusual amount of work outside our studio. He's been sweet and encouraging and worked like a dog to do all the stuff it takes to make our family operate smoothly. He deserves my thanks and appreciation more than anyone else I know. I'm going to text him, write him, email him, phone him AND say it in person.
POINTS: 30 for saying "thank you!"
Don't forget! Monday, 3/31 is the day you will email me with your point totals for the month of March! Get your calculators ready!!