Let's finish out this week of sweet Small Things with a song to celebrate the loss of independence.
I've got admit, I just love the rock-out greatness of this song by Kelly Clarkson. But the lyrics reminded me of something important.
See, yesterday wasn't what I'd call the best Valentine's Day. From start to finish, things went wrong, I made several blunders, and my husband and I were both out of sorts. Inside, I crawled into my independent shell and decided I was tired of getting my feelings hurt. I started building up that old brick wall around my heart that says "keep out."
Of course, when you work with your mate, it's a little awkward to keep your emotional distance. We moved around each other like stiff tin men on our job site, squeezed on a small 5 x 9 foot scaffold level together, 12 feet off the ground. Oh, that was fun.
But as the day wore on I realized that my heart needed a little work. Having a love that's real means that you will get hurt sometimes. And you will hurt the one you love, even when you don't mean to.
And that real love starts dying the moment you start building walls to "protect" yourself.
I found out in doing research for yesterday's Small Thing that there is now a Language of Apology. Man, I need a crash course in how to speak my husband's language, because I owe him one. Or two. I need to do what it takes to get back on track, no matter who's "at fault."
How about you? Are you keeping your distance from someone who's hurt your feelings? Are you feeling defensive and alone in your principles?
Today's Small Thing is to do something, anything, to enhance a relationship. You could do something fun, like go to a movie with a friend or mate. You could make a phone call. Or you could make amends to someone, like I'm going to do today. The sky is the limit!
This week has been all about doing Small Things in our relationships. Today is the proverbial "icing on the cake!" Take a chance and make something good happen with someone you care about!
POINTS: 40 for saying good-bye to independence.
Let us know! What are you doing to connect with someone you love today?