Let's start off the week with something really easy! Take one kitchen-sized trash bag and fill it with stuff you know you should throw away: newspapers, old magazines, clothes beyond repair, dead flowers in vases, cans and debris from a weekend of football watching. Plastic containers with no lids, phone books from 2002, shoes with no mates, broken toys you know you'll never fix but you hang on to anyway, things from your junk drawer, under beds, inside closets and under sinks....
Don't deliberate: if it's a questionable item, don't throw it! You are only tossing the obvious trash and unusable items, so it's easy to say "Bye-Bye-Bye!" Bag it up and move it out, baby!
POINTS: 20 for filling one (13 gal) kitchen bag
BONUS POINTS: 20 more for filling two bags
Then let me know: what's the oddest, oldest or best thing you let go of today?