I was trying to clean up my little music playlist over there on my sidebar, checking to see which of the links were working and which ones weren't. My man, Tom was sitting at a nearby table, working on a project.
"I think I'm just going to eliminate this one," I said out loud, and hit the button to play the theme from "Pride and Prejudice." It was at the bottom of the list and I've never given it top billing. I thought it seemed a little out of place on my blog, even though there is still plenty of real-life pride and prejudice that happens at my home sanctuary.
As the opening piano notes began to play I heard my hockey-coaching, duck-hunting, football-loving, he-man husband say quietly (and with a British accent, no less)
"You have bewitched me, body ahnd soul."
I spun around to face him.
"WHAT did you say?" I asked. He'd hardly even looked up from his task.
"You heard me." he looked up and smiled at me.
Then he gave me his best Mr. Darcy look and repeated straight into my eyes,
"You have bewitched me, body ahnd soul."
Oh man. Any guy who can tote a gun, haul stuff in the back of a truck and quote Jane Austen is a real find.
I'm keeping him!