The first Meme I have participated in and possibly the last, because this is hard work. Lane tagged me for this and I figured if she could do it with 4 little kids, I surely could handle this as well. But either I'm delusional, or I just don't think I'm that weird. Scary thought, but here goes.
THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
1. I don't like to crawl into an unmade bed at night. If I didn't make the bed in the morning, I have to pull the covers up and put the pillows straight before I can get in. But I draw the line at putting the decorative pillows on--I'm not THAT crazy!
2. I rarely read whole books. Hardly ever give myself the luxury of reading a novel. Reason: I become so engrossed in the story that I can't function in real life and that's a problem.
3. I never found it necessary to give my kids DAILY baths for hygenic purposes. For entertainment, I didn't care if they wanted three baths a day--why not? Splash away. As long as they wipe good and don't smell bad they could go every other day...or so. Am I a bad mom?
4. I don't really like Starbucks coffee. Gasp! Un-American! I secretly believe I am like the child in the emporor's new clothes. No one else likes it either but because they are all addicted to the mega-caffeine they pretend they do.
5. My knees sound like popping bubble wrap when I go up stairs. My son told me once "I like the sound of your knees cracking when you come upstairs because it means you're coming to kiss me goodnight." That's a nice take on it.
6. I could eat quesadillas everyday. And I do. (almost.) Pepperjack cheese and refried beans in a toasty tortilla...pure lunch.
I'm glad they didn't ask for more than six things or I would have had to ask my kids for help. I don't even want to know the things they'd put on my list!
I don't have six people to tag, but I'll tag Jessica, Rachel, Chrystal, and anyone else who would like to play along. Share the weirdness!