For most of this last week, I have been forthed to thpeak with a lithp. Three little canker sores found a home on the tip of my tongue and MAN OH MAN do they hurt!
I've tried drinking my morning coffee without it touching my tongue: all the caffiene with none of the pleasure!
I've stayed away from orange juice, Pespsi and ketchup. (Exception: Whataburger Ketchup in those little tubs, so good with fries!)
I've tried hard not to eat chips, really I have.
I dunked my tongue into yoghurt, but the blueberries stung a little.
I tried rinsing with warm salt water. I heard somewhere it is supposed to help, but it only made me really thirsty.
Finally, I googled "canker sores home remedy", the only source of true help for a situation like this. has a bunch of good suggestions. I immediately tried rinsing with Milk of Magnesia and, though chalky, brought immediate soothing. And to think I'll have the added benefit of overnight constipation relief, I am positively elated!
I might try sucking on a black tea bag (I can only imagine what my teeth will look like afterward!), or swishing hydogen peroxide around. The fizzing bubbles might feel good.
But I DRAW THE LINE on "taking some earwax and applying it to the sores!" No, thankth, I'd rather lithp.
Rachel Anne