(Background music, please. "Sunrise, Sunset" from Fiddler on the Roof in E minor)
The years really HAVE flown by! I keep remembering how, on that first day home from the hospital I laid down on the bed with that little pink bundle asleep next to me. I was 22 years old, dizzy with the thought, "This is MY BABY! I am a MOM!" and my eyes couldn't stop drinking in the absolute perfection of that tiny girl. I will never forget the wonder of that incredible moment. Elle made me a mother.
And look at her now! A married woman working on her college degree, with a great future ahead of her! Can it really be that we made it through the terrible twos, the elementary years, the "Middle School Muddles," Driver's Ed, boys, sibling squabbles, High School, college applications and a wedding? Some of those years seemed sooooo loooong, I thought they would never end. But here we are, and she is amazing in spite of parental blunders and never having had a designer wardrobe. Creative, smart, thoughtful, fun, responsible, God-loving.....proof that God can create great kids even when the parents don't always know what they are doing.
We are proud of you, Elle! Happy Birthday!